Based on Japan, t a t a m i is an antique dealer’s collective as an independent online marketplace itself for “Contemporary Antiques” with the both ying-yang aspects of ‘Tradition’ and ‘Alternative’ presenting the various types and styles of items individually digged out by each tatami’s unique dealer with diversity and possibility. May the inspiration be with you.
t a t a m i (i.e. tatami antiques) consists of a gathering of the participants (antique dealers in Japan) as a team, which is basically managed by Dai Okumura (hotoke).
The basic business configuration of tatami is that each dealer directly does business with each customer through each listing page in this website and Trocadero. Every single dealer is independent, so that I (Dai) will act as English-Japanese translator between each (non-English speaking) dealer and each customer. I will temporarily receive all inquiries and orders from each customer and then translate them for each dealer before distributing each translation to both sides.
(So, combined shipping is accepted only if the multiple purchased items are listed by the same dealer because of this reason. Please check carefully the further information at the below term of SHIPPING in advance.)
Please inquire us (me) for further information to
We reply to you within 48 hours. Please check your junk mail folder as well, and register our mail address for smooth transaction.
Dai Okumura: 600-22 Wakayama Isumi, Chiba JAPAN / +81-90-4012-2933 (mobile)
The all listing items are guaranteed to be as represented at the description by each of the all professional antique dealers gathering for tatami. As based on that, minimum necessary explanation by simple and concise composition is described at the each listing for easy and quick understanding. But, if you need further information for the specific items, please contact its each dealer individually in advance and we’ll try to reply for your inquiries as soon as possible.
Required payment methods are PayPal, and Credit card.
No personal cheques, No private enterprise’s money transfer services, and No cash by mail from overseas can be accepted under any circumstances.
Directly from the each individual dealer of tatami in Japan, the all purchased items are shipped by EMS with full-covered insurance and tracking service.
The each EMS shipping charge is calculated by its well-packaged item weight and the place of your destination as described in the each listing page.
Combined shipping is accepted only if the multiple purchased items are listed by the same dealer because the each dealer of tatami is individually running business.
Insurance charge for the every purchased items is free as included in the item price with EMS shipping charge quoted at the each listing page.
Customs duties for the declared customs value of the purchased items may be charged and these extra charges are not included in the total price in the every invoices from tatami.
Because the customs duties rates vary from country to country and to know what import duties will be for your country is advised to the every customers, we can not be held liable for these charges under any circumstances.
When the shipping item is unfortunately lost or damaged in some way, we would like the customers to calm down at first at the moment, then try to cooperate with the collaborative procedure together with Japan Post (or UPS (Yamato Transport)) and the customs of your country or your local post office, as we will tell the customers what he or she has to do for the procedure at that time. That’s why, please just don’t ever be rushing to try to solve the case by only the persons concerned (the dealer as sender and the customers as receiver) or try to directly contact PayPal for making the problem complicated. We just would like the customers to understand carefully that Japan Post basically do successfully handles such troubles and smoothly pay back the refund of “declared value” and the postage, as long as based on the cooperation with customers. (*But, please understand in advance that the customs duties once paid for receiving the parcel won’t be refunded under any circumstances.)
However, for exceptional cases, if the customers want to cancel the transaction before shipment or claim that the description turns out to be incorrect after receiving the items, the purchase price will be paid you back, though actual shipping cost and related all payment handling fee will be charged from the refund. (*Regarding the returning items, the return must be insured and arrive in the original condition as purchased within 14 days on receipt of the item.) Basically, any purchased items can not be returned for customer’s personal reasons under any circumstances.
If the customers visit the individual website pages of the each tatami member and want to purchase such “non-tatami items” which are not listed in tatami, the additional fees which will be set by the conference between the tatami member and the manager (Dai Okumura) each time must be paid by the customers. So, please understand about this point carefully in advance, and feel free to inquire us.