THE STORY OF SHIBA ONKO (Dealer: ONEN) – Lovely old Japanese clay okimono as the iconography with boys and a large jar, depicting *the famous story of Shiba Onko, so-called ‘kamewari’ (jar crushing). Meiji-Taisho period, early 20th century, Tohoku region. H 14.8 x 15.2 x 7.2cm (5.82 x 5.98 x 2.83in). Some paint-peelings as is due to aging.
*The Story of Shiba Onko — Shiba Onko (Chian/Sima Qian in Chinese) was a famous statesman and historian of the Han Dynasty, and this is an episode linked to his childhood, when it was said that Shiba Onko and his companions were watching fish in a very valuable huge jar when one of them fell in but whilst the rest of his playmates ran away shrieking, leaving the child to drown, Shiba Onko used a rock to break the jar to drain out the water and set his companion free. This episode was a popular theme among Edo-period artists as a parable of virtuous behavior.
Item price: $400
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